Mike Palmer resides in Waverly, New York. He has moderate to severe anxiety, social anxiety (social phobia), and recently became 100% deaf in his right ear, and 20% deaf in his left here. He has a hard time with his speech pattern.

He is currently learning American Sign Language and Basic Sign Language.

Please help him financially as embarks what the future holds for him. “It is not easy to walk in my shoes. I have hearing loss and have a hard time explaining things verbally. I have hearing aids to assist me in my daily life.”

Mike’s new mission is to raise awareness of selective muteism, deafness, anxiety disorder to those that wants to attempt to question the person who has a disorder or request ADA documents or discriminates against a person with a disorder. Mike will help you win the battle with a employer, a friend or a loved one. Mike said we are all winners battling a issue that needs proper awareness.